About Me

Hi Y’all, come on in and join me on my visual journey of Findingevie! 
Let me introduce myself; I’m Evie, I’m a southern girl who spent 30 years in the same little town in Louisiana who found her way to the Boston area after a decade in New York. I have a bachelor’s degree in Social Services and Management. That life just wasn’t for me, and through trial and error I have found my way to being a lifestyle Content creator. 
I have been on an incredible journey to better understand who I am. Along the way I’ve discovered that I can help others, possibly you, through my journey. Truly helping others is all I have ever wanted to do! 
I love beauty in all things, and that surfaces in ways such as love of others, self love, mental health care, fashion, beauty rituals via skincare and makeup, practicing living a life I can be proud of, learning new things, working on healthy lifestyle, home aesthetics, and just living life! 
 Guess what, I want to share all of it with you! 
I’m so honored you have made it to my website. No matter how you got here or what you were looking for, I hope you leave feeling a sense of camaraderie that brings you back each and every week! I truly love the friends I have made via this journey. I hope we can be friends too!